Students can access their school library and textbook account through Destiny. Additional supplemental curricular resources are available through the San José Unified Digital Library.
Satu Sharman
408-535-6310 ext.65232
USA Government - The U.S. Government’s official Web portal
General Library Policies
Be considerate of others who are working.
No gum, candy, food, or drinks except bottled water in the Library.
Computer Lab for Printing
The computer lab, located at the front of the library is available to students for academic purposes only such as doing research, reading online, and printing.
To log into the computers, type in "Student". There is no password. Click return.
Students must log into to access their student account to be able to access their work and print.
Checking out Library Books
Library books are checked out for 2 weeks. Students are responsible to either return or renew their book(s) in timely manner.
Library Passes During Class Time
Students not accompanied by a teacher need to present a pass from their teacher.
Flex Period
In FLEX period all students must sign-in at the classroom and request a pass from teacher in order to work in the library.
No computer games allowed during FLEX period.
No cell phones during FLEX period in the library.
San José Public Library
San José Unified participates in a partnership with San José Public Library (SJPL) so that students receive an SJPL student library card. Families who wish to opt out should contact their student’s school. See the perks of an SJPL library card.