All San José Unified schools use a culture and climate program to create a positive school climate for students, employees, and families. Building a positive school climate is a schoolwide initiative where positive expectations are integrated into all aspects of the school day. Combined with the use of social-emotional learning curriculum, the positive school climate programs establish a foundation of positive and proactive support. San José Unified provides school-wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments.
Student Behavior
Students are expected to exhibit appropriate conduct that does not infringe upon the rights of others or interfere with the school program while on school grounds, going to or coming from school, at school activities, or using district transportation. Additional information is available on bullying prevention. Detailed guidelines for student behavior are outlined in the Parent/Student handbook under the “Behavior and Discipline” section.
All schools are encouraged to utilize restorative practices in lieu of suspension, when appropriate.
Pioneer Supplemental Handbook
1. Academic Honesty
Basic Academic honesty includes stating your own ideas in your own words.
Copying homework, plagiarism, changing grades, falsifying teacher signatures and cheating on tests are just a few examples of academic dishonesty.
It is important that students, parents, teachers, and staff are clear in their expectations that students will not behave dishonestly.
Acts of Academic Dishonesty will be referred to the administration and a file will be established for the student.
No credit will be given for the assignment or test.
Possible additional consequences include, but are not limited to suspension, administrative disciplinary action, and/or transfer to another high school.
2. Saturday School and Attendance Improvement
Saturday School will be held 8:00am -12:00pm.
Students must attend an assigned Saturday School unless an administrator or a doctor excuses them in advance.
Students are expected to bring homework and/or reading materials to Saturday School. No use of any electronic devices of any kind is permissible.
Students who are late to Saturday School will not be admitted.
If a student misses an assigned Saturday School, the student must complete two Saturday Schools. A second missed Saturday School will result in additional consequences including, but not limited to suspension, administrative disciplinary action, and/or transfer to another high school.
Students who are assigned Saturday School may also lose additional after-school privileges, at the discretion of the principal.
3. Attendance Procedures
a. A parent or guardian must call the school each day that a student is absent.
b. Absences are excused for student illness, medical/dental appointments (if tardiness is due to an appointment, a note is required from that office), religious observances, the death of an immediate family member, court appearances, and school-sponsored activities.
c. Absences may be reported 24 hours a day by leaving a message on the Attendance Line at (408) 287-6268.
d. Absences will be listed as unexcused until they are cleared by a phone call within five (5) school days.
e. Students may not leave school without a pass from the attendance office. Parents must notify the attendance office if their child is leaving. Please call ahead.
f. Students who are late will be noted as tardy and will serve a lunch detention in Room 306 that same day or if it 5th or 6th the next day.
If you miss three lunch detentions you will receive Saturday School and if you miss two Saturday Schools you will receive an in-house suspension and not be allowed to go to the next dance.
g. Oversleeping, and car problems are not excused tardies.
h. Students will be assigned lunch detention for every unexcused tardy.
i. After missing three (3) periods of class without a valid excuse, a student will be assigned a Saturday School.
j. If a student is absent more than 10% of the school year for any reason, the student will be referred to the school district for excessive absences.
4. Associated Student Body Card (ASB)
Students must carry a school ID at all times while on school property or attending school events. Students who cannot present ID when asked may be assigned a lunch detention.
An ASB card is required in order to buy tickets for school activities and for admittance to dances.
The activity sticker, which may be purchased with the PRIDE package, gives the cardholder reduced prices or free entry to school events.
If the ID card is lost, there is a $10 replacement fee (cash only). Pioneer High School is not responsible to replace stolen or lost ASB cards.
5. Electronic Devices
All electronic devices, such as cell phones, computers, iPods, tablets, and iPads, may be used only before school, after school, at brunch, and at lunch. Outside of these times, all electronic devices must be turned off and stored so they are not visible.
Electronic devices may be used in a classroom only for educational purposes and only with the teacher’s permission.
Use of electronic devices is not allowed in bathrooms or locker rooms at any time.
Unauthorized video recording or picture taking is not allowed on campus at any time.
If an electronic device is used in violation of the preceding policies, it will be confiscated for the remainder of the day. Students are allowed to retrieve their device from the Attendance Office after school.
Three (3) electronic device infractions will result in assignment to Saturday School.
Pioneer High School does not accept responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage of any electronic devices. Students who bring such devices to school do so at their own risk.
The inappropriate use of electronic devices, including the taking or distribution of inappropriate images, may also result in suspension, expulsion, or other disciplinary action, as outlined in the SJUSD Student/Parent and Staff Information Handbook. Actions could be subjected to possible referral to San Jose Police Department.
6. Dance Rules
Pioneer ASB/ID cards must be shown at the entrance when tickets are collected. Guest will need to present school or valid ID and prior permission granted by a school administrator.
Tickets must be purchased in advance of the dance; no tickets will be sold at the door.
The use or possession of any controlled substance or mind-altering substance is not permitted.
Backpacks and purses are subject to search and must be checked-in at the door.
Students are not allowed to leave and return to the dance for any reason. Parent(s) of any student wanting to leave dance early must be contacted before student leaves.
All dance styles and personal behavior must comply with standards of modesty and safety. The faculty and administrators in attendance will be the final judge of the appropriateness of dance style.
Behavior that jeopardizes the safety of any student will not be tolerated.
Students that have been suspended are not allowed to go to the next dance.
All students must be present for all classes on the day of a weekday dance. For a Saturday dance, students must be present for all classes on the preceding Friday or have a note from a doctor to excuse any periods missed.
7. Dress Code
Please refer to the San Jose Unified School District Student Handbook. (BASEBALL HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE WORN ON CAMPUS TO HELP US IDENTIFY OUR OWN STUDENTS)
8. Nurse’s Office
Students must have a pass from a teacher to go to the nurse’s office.
A student must call home from the nurse’s office and must have a Leaving School Pass in order to leave campus.
A note from a doctor must accompany all medications before the student will be allowed to take them at school, including inhalers for asthma. Forms for this purpose are available in the Health Office. Medications being held without permission may be confiscated.
9. On Campus Suspensions (OCS)
When students are unable to remain in class without disrupting the classroom environment, they may be escorted to OCS and their parents will be notified.
Under the supervision of Pioneer’s campus supervisors, students will have an opportunity to reflect on their behavior.
Students who are sent to OCS must turn in their cell phone to the Attendance Office for a class period. Students are allowed to retrieve their device from the Attendance Office after school.
Three (3) visits to OCS will result in an assignment to Saturday School. (6) visits to OCS will result in an in-house suspension.
10. Parking Lot
Students may not go to the student or faculty parking lot during the school day without first getting permission from an administrator.
Student vehicles must appropriately display a Pioneer-parking permit.
Campus Speed limit is 5 MPH.
Parking is not permitted in the triangles at the end of the rows.
Students must park in student parking (east side of the lot behind the school). Students who park in the faculty or visitor parking lots will be ticketed.
Students who do not have a first period, or who leave regularly before the final bell, must get a permanent pass from the attendance office.
Students going to the parking lot without permission from an administrator will be assigned a lunch detention.
Parking privileges may be revoked and police citations may be given for unsafe driving or improper parking.
11. Transportation
Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be walked while on campus.
Bicycles must be locked and stored in the bike rack.
Skateboards must be stored in the skateboard racks.
Students arriving by car must be dropped off in either the back parking lot or the horseshoe on Blossom Hill. *Visitor Parking Lot is not for student drop-off.
Students who drive must display a Pioneer-parking pass to on-campus parking. Parking passes are available at the Student Store.
When on campus, all drivers and pedestrians must obey the directions of the Pioneer campus supervisors, staff, and other uniformed school safety personnel.
Pioneer High School is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged bicycle/skateboard/motor vehicle.
12. Vaping
Vaping or in possession of a vape pen on school grounds or at a school activity equals a suspension from school and loss of extra curricular activities. (For example, athletic events and dances.) Alcohol would also fall in this category.
13. Uber Eats, Door Dash etc.
Students/parents are not allowed to order food from any outside service or vendor that is not affiliated with the San Jose Unified School District. The food will be confiscated and the student could receive administrative consequences. (Lunch detention, Saturday School, etc.)